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Hexagon Adventure #1 Hex Crawl:  "The Prairie of Many Faces"
The Prairie of Many Faces was once just a quiet veldt, casually crossed by traders and herdsman to reach the Great Alesso Sea to the south.  Coin flowed freely and the Great Senodine Empire profited from the province's fluid trade network.  But as is inevitable, times changed for this sleepy prairie a century ago.  As the prairie opens to resume caravan operations, new adventures await those brave enough to face the unknown dangers brought by the encroaching Wildlands.

Hexagon Adventures are localized adventuring maps, themed from a featured prologue and designed for exploration.  Each adventure has an overall tone, allowing for a story-driven setting to be discovered through character and plot arcs, or through whimsical discovery.
Hexagon Adventure #1 Short Story:  "Idol of the Blood Queen"
Cross the prairie with Alaric, a veteran of the road, as he signs on to help protect a caravan and earn some much-needed coin. Knowing the crossing will hold some danger as the Wildlands have encroached on the open expanse for a century, but he didn't expect to stumble upon one of the mysteries lost to those who fled long ago.